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28 Oct 2022

The girls are not ready adaptors of the costume custom for Halloween, but they know that the culture of their workplace includes civility, so they are happy to participate. Alas, their collegiality sometimes calls into question the role of civility in their environment.  There are others...

26 Sep 2022

Ah, September and Back to School! Many small people will soon be resuming their important work of learning to read. This is such an important skill; when one can read, one can learn almost anything. As adults, an important use of this skill is the...

03 Aug 2022

Now we say ‘working remotely’ or ‘virtual office’ since home can be the coffee shop or the beach, as well as your living room. Wherever it is, it isn’t The Office of a few years ago. Alice and Jane are experienced remote workers, as they pursue...

08 Jun 2022

It feels counter-intuitive to imagine that uncertainty could be a friend. Who likes ‘I dunno” as an answer? Indeed there are situations in which grey is a safer choice than black or white, altho many of those situations are ambiguous - read ‘evasive’ - by...

20 May 2022

Changes in the workplace are not just about location and timing. When workers return to an in-person work environment they’ll probably be showing changes in the ways they dress. Ads for current clothing trends offer “Business Comfort’ and “Power Casual” as workers embrace a less...

28 Apr 2022

            How much time do you spend thinking about how workplace changes are affecting you and your colleagues? How will you plan, meet, discuss, monitor, collaborate, evaluate or just toss around ideas in an environment devoid of actual people? How will you position yourself for career growth? And...