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17 Oct 2011

A career coach, a motivational speaker, and a nutritionist meet, and in talking about their work, they discover that they all give the same core advice to their clients: Know What You Want. Maybe it isn’t surprising, as this seems pretty reasonable advice for any...

10 Oct 2011

A recent question from a person in one of our courses: “Is it okay to apologize or admit error to someone who works for me? My supervisor told me it’s a sign of weakness.” From one of the other course members: “Just say you’re sorry he...

03 Oct 2011

As any self-respecting 5 year old can tell you, questioning is a valuable communication tool. But for many people, the use of this device seems to fall off as we get older. One complication is the perception of the question as an attack. “Have you had lunch?” “Why...

26 Sep 2011

“Listening Will Change Your Life.” I say to people in my classes and I’m not surprised by either their smirks when they hear me say it, or by their astonishment when they later experience it. I know this is a big promise, and let me be...

19 Sep 2011

Extreme events lately have called forth extreme language to describe them: devastating, horrific, outrageous, unbelievable, and incredible. But while the events are not only extreme but also unusual, the words aren’t. These words lose weight when we’ve been hearing them to describe things that are...

12 Sep 2011

Meet Martha. She is a third year associate at a busy law firm. She is personable, enthusiastic, and a hard worker. She likes her job, is attentive to clients, values her colleagues, and wants to do well in her career. But here is what she...