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09 Jul 2019

This rule could not be more simple.  People misuse these words because they haven’t learned the rule, but once learned it is simplicity itself. Is this confusing? I ate the apple. or Me ate the apple.  Of course not.  We all know that ‘I’ is the one...

21 Jun 2019

Unless you work in a one-person organization, you are part of a team. But wait~ even though there are others working in the same organization, we don’t work together.  So we aren’t really a team, right? Not exactly.  There are many kinds of teams.  Those who work...

13 Mar 2019

Some conversations are difficult, and with the convenience of email and text many people manage to avoid having any of those difficult conversations.  They tell themselves that it’s easier to ‘just send a note’, but the real reason is they’re afraid to talk. Talking involves a...

10 Jan 2019

Priscilla tells me that her resolution for 2019 is to renovate her personal lexicon. A lexicon, or specialized vocabulary, personal and specific to you consists of the words you most frequently use. We each have our own. Many words appear in the lexicons of many people,...

12 Dec 2018

A poll of random* folks asking them to comment on The State of  Communication in our Union, yielded some of the following: I wish people would use the word ‘said’ Example: Yes:  “They said ‘This takes too long.’” No:  “They were going, ‘This takes too long.’"Dear God,...

11 Sep 2018

Marble has learned to give feedback in constructive and helpful ways, and she prides herself on maintaining steady communication with her staff.  Good work, Marble. But recently Marble’s new supervisor invited her to a meeting to discuss work assignments.  It seems that the supervisor has ideas...