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14 May 2012

I the only person who is annoyed with this: “…and you are…?” as a method of learning about another person? I mention it because, as an introductory communication, I feel it lacks a sense of collegiality or even cordiality, which characteristics can lend a measure of grace...

07 May 2012

There are many things that are challenging about learning a language. A big challenge is the gap between printed language and spoken language. The good news for audio learners is that the spoken language is probably more useful since we are more likely to be...

30 Apr 2012

In one of my language classes the students and I chuckled at a cartoon showing a large pile of trash next to which was a sign that read “Fine for Dumping.” ‘Fine’ isn’t the only word in our wonderfully rich and confusing language that has multiple...

23 Apr 2012

Today is the widely accepted anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare, who, if he were here listening to us today, might mutter to himself, “He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.” Many times I hear myself and other...

16 Apr 2012

Fifteen minutes into the body conditioning class at the gym, a woman entered and worked her way to the front of the group. She asked my friend, puffing away next to me, to move over. My friend glanced at the woman and at all the...

08 Apr 2012

The Human Resources director: “I get people in here all the time complaining about the drama and stress and back-biting that goes on. I think people spend more time being angry and upset than they do on their jobs.” The Supervisor: “What difference does it make how...