Learning to Read

Learning to Read

Ah, September and Back to School! Many small people will soon be resuming their important work of learning to read. This is such an important skill; when one can read, one can learn almost anything. As adults, an important use of this skill is the ability to read people. As is true for many people’s approach to other reading material, the skill and effort one brings to the reading, the richer the encounter.

Hear me out: when we read a book or article we invite the author to speak to us. We commit to receiving whatever idea or information is being offered. To help us understand these ideas we notice the words that are used, the tone of voice, the structure and format of the presentation. To be sure we understand, we carefully consider what the author intends for us to know. Finally, based on our reading, we decide what we think or feel or believe about the topic and the writer, and we act or don’t act, accordingly.

People with whom we interact are offering ideas or information all the time, and that information is available to us – IF we are reading them. They’re saying what they think, how they’re interpreting what they hear, which words or topics are disagreeable, which terms resonate positively. They show when they’ve finished listening; they reveal when they want to hear more. They may use words, but often they use facial expressions and the language of their movements and gestures. All are clues to be considered if we are able to read them.

Does this reading skill help us? Imagine the success of your communication if you have all that information about your audience! Our new course, People Literacy, can open that book for you and turn the page on your communication.