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15 Nov 2023

No time for training?  Strict budget?  Just need a reminder of some of the basics?  Want to try out a new topic quickly?Microlearning is the solution!Microlearning sessions are lively, short, interactive overviews of the key elements of a training program.  They hit the highlights of...

02 Nov 2023

Ignore the Macbeth witches!  This time of year doesn’t have to mean anything unpleasant- never mind goblins, budgets, and leaf raking.   The Girls have the right idea.  They find the fun in the fall~ and so can you!   Find what works for you in our training catalog-...

18 May 2023

Disagreements, misunderstanding, and resentment can send any relationship off track – and consequences can be annoying or disastrous. Much can be avoided by observing boundaries.   What?! The term ‘Boundaries’ can be off-putting, as it suggests rules and barbed wire fences, but we have them and attend to...

24 Apr 2023

Everyone wants communication in their workplace to be smooth, productive, and drama free.  In order to solve problems, generate ideas, establish routines people talk. But:  are they talking TO one another or WITH one another? For many people the main task of their communication is how to...