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12 Jul 2018

Wouldn’t you think that concerns about appropriate and effective emails have been settled by now? But, no.  Voices continue to be raised about messages that are incomplete, incomprehensible, rude, or appear to have been written by a hamster. When faced with criticism, many email writers defend their...

21 May 2018

People don’t read. How else to explain this behavior: Email to Dooney from Enware: Hey, I need to know if you’re running the meeting or if Jengo is doing it.  I want to print the agendas. Also, can we get more copies of the quarterly report?   Email to Enware...

04 May 2018

Are you sabotaging your own communications?   Someone is at fault- is it you? Panet, the owner of a bookstore told me of trouble with Yani, one of her employees.  She’d asked him to restock a few shelves but he hadn’t done so.  When she asked...

02 Apr 2018

Dima’s email to the 5 people in her department: Hi, guys- I’m so glad spring is finally here- let’s get some flowers for the break room.             Okay with you if I bring some tomorrow? Moxie:  Sure. Toyo:  What kind?  The smelly things- no.  We have to eat...

13 Feb 2018

Among our many course offerings is one called ‘Dealing With Difficult People’.  This seems to be a popular topic, since there are books and blogs and articles that offer to help us with this prickly problem.  But maybe there is another way to approach the...

08 Jan 2018

So much chatter about New Year resolutions:  what to resolve, how to stick to them, why we do them, how to integrate them into our slug lives. The most popular resolutions have to do with Improvement.  Physical improvement, consumption improvement, relationship improvement - these all seem...