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05 May 2020

We want to be responsive to our training partners, so let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Telephone coaching with individuals having trouble with adjustment? Brainstorming ways to polish your in-house communication? Writing some communication or teleworking guidelines? Developing a...

01 May 2020

Keep your training program active and your workers engaged.  Participating in a webinar is energizing, and will remind your workers of your continued investment in their learning.  Here are some topics that are popular.  You may have others- just let us know! Influencing and Persuading This program...

08 Apr 2020

Some of us think that communication means sharing information and understanding between people, and it seems universally agreed that in times of crisis we all want communication. Also agreed is that a lot of people are leaping into the position of Communicator for their groups, but...

24 Mar 2020

Other than the virus, the topic most frequently being discussed, or practiced or sought, is communication. So many people have so many questions, and so many others have chaotic thoughts that aren’t even ready to be formed into questions. Work goes on, but so do the...

28 Jan 2020

Language at Work is over 30 years old.  That means we’ve taught a lot of courses in speaking, writing, and reading to adults.  Often people ask us what’s new in speaking, writing, and reading. “Tell us about the new courses you’re teaching now.” “What are the new topics that are...