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17 Dec 2017

Marble is not alone in noticing a growing distance between people who are different from one another.  She sees at the least a failure to acknowledge one another, and at worst muttering and frowning. And she knows from what she reads and hears in the...

08 Nov 2017

Noma has a new boss. Noma is worried that the new boss doesn’t like her, or that she has done something to annoy her.  She had a good relationship with her previous boss, and she’d like to feel comfortable with the new one. Each of these supervisors...

02 Oct 2017

Demetria arrived at the meeting just in time for Norton to ask her to tell the group her opinion of the proposed software. Assaulted at once by conflicting thoughts and ideas, and aware of the political implications of her answer, Demetria muttered unconvincingly in one direction,...

06 Sep 2017

Fall is the season of good communication.  Fall is crisp and clear.  It has energy.  It holds its weight lightly, and carries itself forth with strength and confidence. Fall is honest about where it’s been and where it’s going.  You know where you stand with...

09 Aug 2017

At the playground Triton cried because Xerxes bit him. Mothers became involved and the following direction was giving to Xerxes: “Tell Triton you’re sorry you bit him, but that you don’t like him to push you.” Observers found this a familiar form of quasi-apology, similar to “I’m sorry...

10 Jul 2017

Aurora is a successful supervisor. Her employees appreciate her fair and firm manner, and they are comfortable working with her because she is clear about what she expects, they know she values their contributions, and they know she will tell them what she needs.  Aurora...