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12 Mar 2014

When celebrating Grammar Day on March 4, Edgar paw…uh…paused to consider the question: How important is grammar in business writing? There are those who say that if the reader understands the message, so what if there are errors within. Others, like Edgar, feel that messages with errors...

25 Feb 2014

Snow and cold weather aren’t the only things that can sap our spirits. Waiting for conditions to be right for training can drain energy from the most enthusiastic of us. Low budgets, reduced staff, scarce time have all curtailed the rich offerings of...

16 Jan 2014

A friend, looking for a new dentist, bemoaned the difficulty in picking a good one. “It isn’t like shopping for blueberries where you can see which ones are good and which ones aren’t. I end up going with the one who has a nice receptionist.” Wow,...

18 Dec 2013

Gracious communication comes naturally to some people. For these people, almost all the sentences they compose are accessorized with graceful, polite words, and even their most self-serving messages have a component that suggests consideration of the person with whom they’re speaking. For others, grace notes are...

31 Oct 2013

Scary conversations can happen anywhere and with any of the ghoulish creatures that haunt our worlds, not just on Halloween. You might be talking with one of these creepy critters: GHOSTS – These folks seem to be in the same conversation as you, but they...

14 Oct 2013

Reports written by Mateus are incomprehensible, says his supervisor. Angela can’t get her colleagues to listen to her. Julius says his team gets defensive when he makes suggestions. Brenda’s written work is returned with red marks all over it no matter how often she...