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17 Sep 2012

Standing in line at the Post Office I got to witness two versions of The Greeting Interaction. 1.) PO Person: “Good morning!” Customer: (looking at papers and juggling a bag) “Yeahhowyadoin?” The greeting part is now over- on to business. No smiling, no eye contact. Business is done...

11 Sep 2012

During the last month or so I’ve heard a lot of people speaking. What fun for a communication junkie! The political conventions provided many speaking styles, speech patterns, and delivery techniques to observe, and many examples of things to mention in Presentation Skills or Watch...

03 Sep 2012

In honor of the day that celebrates those who labor, we take a break from our usual commentary on the communication of our fellows, and kick back with a day at the ocean. Accustomed as we are to observing communication behavior, however, we amuse ourselves by...

27 Aug 2012

Heard on the radio: A woman had a Botox treatment which removed what she called frown lines from her forehead. After the treatment her face was no longer arranged in a permanent scowl, and when she went forth passersby smiled at her. She smiled back....

20 Aug 2012

I think communication would be improved if speakers listened to the things that come out of their mouths. This concept is similar to the advice to think before speaking, but that seems to be asking a lot. Speakers are hurried, and their air time is frequently...

13 Aug 2012

I am Ruth, auxiliary Dog at Work. See me above with Edgar, enjoying an August Dog Day. With a respectful nod to Sirius and the ancient calendar, I must say that to us dogs, the meaning of the term Dog Days is simple. ...