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01 Apr 2012

As I was leaving a client’s office after a meeting, he asked if I had a document that he’d apparently just made up. While digging back into my snapped, zipped, and stuffed bag, aware of taking up time in silent air space, I heard myself...

26 Mar 2012

This is one of our popular courses. I think many people want this course because they are uncomfortable setting boundaries or asking for what they want, or saying what makes them crazy. Much of the focus in the course is on learning to be assertive....

19 Mar 2012

Speakers are so lucky! We get to make choices about our words: we can decide which ones and how many of them to use. And we can make different choices at different times, and switch our words around depending on the picture we...

05 Mar 2012

The waiter engaged me in the usual introductory conversation, as described below. I will be playing the part of the enthusiastic lunatic: “Hi- I’ll be your waiter tonight.” “Great!” “…..menus in a minute……” “Terrific!” “…. about our specials…..” “Excellent!” “…..bread with the house spread...

27 Feb 2012

The other day in the park Edgar and I watched our friend, Clover, being summoned by her person. Come, Clover. Come. Come! Come on, Clover! Come on, girl! Let’s go. Come ON, Clover! CLO.VER. Come! Clover! I know you hear me! What’re you…Come HERE, Clover! As she stomped past, Clover’s person scowled at us....