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26 Oct 2020

Anxiety and suspicion seem to be everywhere; tension has a strong grip; fear and worry are with us and a little shriek seems ever ready to break forth – Is it Halloween?  Is it that Other Event that is soon upon us?  Is it the...

05 Oct 2020

Most organizations have smoothly transferred their training from the on-site classroom to a virtual format. The change has been successful, and many of our clients have asked us what topics are being delivered remotely. While most communication-related content can be successfully provided in this format,...

01 Sep 2020

The decrease in patience is a casualty of the pandemic. The trip from calm to critical is a quick one, and immediate gratification is a high priority in most ventures.  Communication exchanges reflect these tendencies, as folks expect resolution to happen right away, with as...

04 Jun 2020

Those who are working in isolated spaces away from their colleagues have learned something:  Email is important! People can’t pop in and out of offices or catch up in the halls or chat over coffee, but communication needs to continue, so email now takes center stage,...